Segundo o orgão de turismo da Prefeitura (SPTuris), São Paulo é o destino brasileiro que mais recebe visitantes (10 milhões/ano), seguido pelo Rio de Janeiro (6 milhões/ano). Dos que chegam a cidade anualmente, 2,5 milhões são estrangeiros contra 832 mil que chegam ao Rio. São Paulo é o maior destino de negócios, convenções e compras do país, respondendo por 50% deste mercado e os principais motivos das viagens a cidade, apontados por 65,49% dos entrevistados, são lazer e compras. A época do Natal, ainda segundo os dados da SPTuris, é o terceiro maior período turístico na cidade, depois da Formula 1 e da Parada Gay. (FSP 16/12/07)
According to the tourism entity of the city (SPTuris), Sao Paulo is the Brazilian destination that most receives visitors (10 million/year), followed by Rio de Janeiro (6 million/year). Of those that arrive annually in SP, 2.5 million are foreigners against 832 thousand that arrive in Rio. Sao Paulo is the major destination for business, conventions and shopping of the country, accounting for 50% of this market and for the main motives for trips to the city, rated by 65.49% of the interviewed, are pleasure and shopping. The Christmas season, according to the SPTuris data, is the third largest tourist period of the city, after Formula 1 and the Gay Parade. (FSP 16/12/07)
According to the tourism entity of the city (SPTuris), Sao Paulo is the Brazilian destination that most receives visitors (10 million/year), followed by Rio de Janeiro (6 million/year). Of those that arrive annually in SP, 2.5 million are foreigners against 832 thousand that arrive in Rio. Sao Paulo is the major destination for business, conventions and shopping of the country, accounting for 50% of this market and for the main motives for trips to the city, rated by 65.49% of the interviewed, are pleasure and shopping. The Christmas season, according to the SPTuris data, is the third largest tourist period of the city, after Formula 1 and the Gay Parade. (FSP 16/12/07)
Inaugurações de casas noturnas e restaurantes com sede no exterior reforçam o caráter global de São Paulo, caso dos clubes Lotus e Pacha com sedes em Nova York e Ibiza, respectivamente. O Budha Bar, que inaugurou em final de 2007 na Vila Daslu , tem sede em Paris e filiais em Nova York, Dubai, Cairo e Las Vegas e em 2008 a cidade receberá o restaurante P.J. Clarke´s, cuja sede é frequentada por brasileiros que vivem em NYC. (OESP 14/12/07)
Openings of night clubs and restaurants with headquarters abroad reinforce the global character of Sao Paulo, such as the clubs Lotus and Pacha with headquarters in New York and Ibiza, respectively. The Budha Bar, which inaugurated at the end of 2007 at Vila Daslu, has headquarters in Paris and spots in New York, Dubai, Cairo and Las Vegas and in 2008 the city will receive the P.J. Clarke’s restaurant, the headquarters of which are visited by Brazilians that live in NYC. (OESP 14/12/07)
Openings of night clubs and restaurants with headquarters abroad reinforce the global character of Sao Paulo, such as the clubs Lotus and Pacha with headquarters in New York and Ibiza, respectively. The Budha Bar, which inaugurated at the end of 2007 at Vila Daslu, has headquarters in Paris and spots in New York, Dubai, Cairo and Las Vegas and in 2008 the city will receive the P.J. Clarke’s restaurant, the headquarters of which are visited by Brazilians that live in NYC. (OESP 14/12/07)
Gíria para ´passeio´, ROLÊ é a atividade de um grupo de fotógrafos profissionais e amadores que saem de madrugada pela cidade para registrar a paisagem e os personagens paulistanos. São passeios informais que saem de bares, juntam cerca de 14 amigo todos os meses e juntos ja somam quase 40. Os trabalhos do Coletivo Rolê ganharam exposições em 2007 e podem ser acessados em (FSP 19/12/07)

Gíria para ´passeio´, ROLÊ é a atividade de um grupo de fotógrafos profissionais e amadores que saem de madrugada pela cidade para registrar a paisagem e os personagens paulistanos. São passeios informais que saem de bares, juntam cerca de 14 amigo todos os meses e juntos ja somam quase 40. Os trabalhos do Coletivo Rolê ganharam exposições em 2007 e podem ser acessados em (FSP 19/12/07)
Slang for stroll, “Rolê” is the activity of a group of professional photographers and amateurs that go out at dawn to register the landscape and Paulistan personalities. They are informal strolls that leave from the bars, join nearly 14 friends every month and together they add up to almost 40. The works of the Rolê Colective won expositions in 2007 and can be accessed at (FSP 19/12/07)
Desde os anos 1980 os números da construção civil em São Paulo não apresentam crescimento comparável ao de 2007. A velocidade de venda dos imóveis passou de 11,4% entre janeiro e outubro de 2006 para 15,6% no mesmo periodo em 2007. No mesmo periodo, os lançamentos aumentaram 60,85% e as vendas 26,23%. O boom se explica pela abertura de capital de empresas do setor que captou cerca de R$20 bilhões, 70% de origem estrangeira. (OESP 12/12/07)

Since 1980’s the numbers of civil construction don’t present a number comparable to this year’s. The speed of real state sale surpassed 11.4% between January and October 2006 to 15.6% during the same period in 2007. During the same period the launches increased 60.85% and the sales 26.23%. The boom is explained by the opening of capital of the sector’s companies that gained close to R$20 billion, 70% of foreign sources. (OESP 12/12/07)

Since 1980’s the numbers of civil construction don’t present a number comparable to this year’s. The speed of real state sale surpassed 11.4% between January and October 2006 to 15.6% during the same period in 2007. During the same period the launches increased 60.85% and the sales 26.23%. The boom is explained by the opening of capital of the sector’s companies that gained close to R$20 billion, 70% of foreign sources. (OESP 12/12/07)

. A pedido de Niemeyer ao presidente do Instituto do Patrimonio Historico e Artistico Nacional (Iphan) o Memorial da America Latina, o Edifício Copam e o Conjunto Ibirapuera foram incluidos na lista dos bens tombados provisoriamente. Até ser decido o tipo definitivo de proteção, nenhuma alteração pode ser feita sem aprovação do Instituto. (OESP 7/12/07)

. Grandes orquestras internacionais virão a São Paulo em 2008 para a temporada do Cultura Artística, entre elas a Staatskapelle de Berlim, a Sinfonica de Israel, a Filarmonica de Liège e a britanica Hallé. (FSP 19/12/07)
. O Museu da Lingua Portuguesa premiou a sua milionesima visitante com uma entrada vitalícia, além de livros e catálogos. (FSP 19/12/07)

. Casas noturnas se unem para a ação Noite Viva: Uma Noite pela Valorização da Vida Noturna de São Paulo, organizada por 10 casas da cidade com objetivo de aproximar o setor do poder público, uma reação aos clubes lacrados nos ultimos meses por supostas irregularidades. No aniversário da cidade os clubes divulgarão em flyer coletivo suas programações e querem convidar o prefeito e secretários para conhecer os clubes por dentro. (FSP 11/12/07)

. At the request of Niemeyer to the president of the Institute of the Historic and Artistic National Patrimony Iphan) the Latin American Memorial, the Copam building and the Ibirapuera complex were included in the list of the temporarily preserved by law buildings. Until the type of protection is finally decided upon, no alterations can be made without the approval of the Institute. (OESP 7/12/07)
. Great international orchestras will come to Sao Paulo in 2008 during the season of the Cultura Artistica, amongst them the Staatskapelle of Berlin, the Symphony of Israel, the Philharmonic of Liège and the britanic Hallé. (FSP 19/12/07)
. The Museum of the Portuguese Language prized their millionth visitor with a permanent entrance as well as books and catalogs. (FSP 19/12/07)
. Night clubs join forces for the Live Night action: One Night for the Valorization of Night Life of Sao Paulo, organized by 10 city clubs with the objective to approach the powerful public sector, a reaction to the penalized clubs during the last months for supposed irregularities. At the city’s anniversary, the clubs will hand out in a collective flyer their programs and want to invite the mayor and secretaries to know the clubs from the inside. (FSP 11/12/07)
. The Museum of the Portuguese Language prized their millionth visitor with a permanent entrance as well as books and catalogs. (FSP 19/12/07)
. Night clubs join forces for the Live Night action: One Night for the Valorization of Night Life of Sao Paulo, organized by 10 city clubs with the objective to approach the powerful public sector, a reaction to the penalized clubs during the last months for supposed irregularities. At the city’s anniversary, the clubs will hand out in a collective flyer their programs and want to invite the mayor and secretaries to know the clubs from the inside. (FSP 11/12/07)
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