


The Ibirapuera Park may have its area increased by the actual Mayor of São Paulo. Of the 3 million m2 for public use that were planed for the development of the Park in 1905, 1,5 million are still left, after the endless loss of areas for public and private entities. The mayor along with the State Government are considering the following areas to give back to the Park: building used by Detran, that will give it to the MAC (Museu de Arte Contemporânea), the Prodam, the Legislative Assembly, the Biology Institute and the Military Circle, amongst others. Research includes the construction of an underground parking to attend the public that should increase with the additions, today estimated to be 200 thousand visitors only during weekends. (source: FSP 19/08/07)


● The run Mil Milhas Brasil happens on the 10 th of november in Interlagos and places Sao Paulo in the international calendar of Lê Mans Series. The event will bring more than 1200 persons amongst the 44 foreign teams involved and promises to increase the tourism in the city. (OESP 22/08/07)

● HBO produces a series with the planned launch for the beginning of 2008 about Sao Paulo, directed by a director from Bahia and the other from Cerra, Sergio Machado an Karim Aïnouz. The TV show tells the story of a young girl from Palmas (TO) seeking an inheritance and her involvement with the city, scenarios and characters: Leon Cakoff, Anhangabaú, Oscar Freire, FAAP, among others. (source: FDS 15/08/07)

● Starting October 2007 the Sao Paulo Metrô tickets will cost less (between R$2,00 and R$2,30) between 18h00 on Saturdays and midnight on Sundays. This is part of the strategy to gain users, aligned with the recent change in the schedule during weekends: until 1h00 on Saturdays, instead of midnight. (source: FDS e OESP 20/08/07)


With 138 m of height and marked shape, the Ponte Estaiada Jornalista Roberto Marinho rises with 144 yellow hangers to hold the two curved bridges that cross each other over the Pinheiros River. With completion planned for mid 2008, the new bridge will be the landmark of the financial district of the city, in the Berrini region, and a study is being made for a scenic view at its top. (OESP 19/08/07)

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